Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions for SMM Products

Frequently Asked Questions for SMM products
Ocean Way Express Mobile App Frequently Asked Questions

Can I have Ocean Way Express on my mobile phone and computer?

Ocean Way Express Mobile App was launched on October 1st for all Android & iOS mobile phones. The Ocean Way Software Application for Windows is still under development and will be launched in 2023. 

What are the differences between the LITE Version and FULL Version of Ocean Way Express?
  • Ocean Way Express (LITE Version) will calculate the maximum cargo intake value that covers all the specific restrictions of the chartering case and will instantly inform the operator if the resulted cargo intake meets the requirements of the charterer.

  • Ocean Way Express (FULL Version) using AI will additionally propose on demand one or more stowage plans for the maximum cargo intake or any given cargo quantity, making sure that Shear Forces / Bending Moments are low and Stability is adequate and optimal.


Which type of vessels Ocean Way Express Mobile App is for?

 Ocean Way Express Mobile App is for all Bulk Carrier vessels.

Does Ocean Way Express take into account all details/ restrictions of the chartering case?

Yes. The operator can input all the necessary details of the chartering case, like loading/discharging ports, cargo quantity (including “more or less” percentage), Load Zones (with the maximum known ROB weights throughout each zone), several points of interest with their restrictions (port and/or air draft restrictions) and their known ROB weights.


EASYLOAD is an Instant Optimal Stowage Plan Generating Library using AI (Artificial Intelligence) for single Bulk Cargo Loadings with low stresses and adequate stability for any Chartering Case. Further the online library favors Even Keel Trims, excluding any use of Ballast in order to maximize cargo intake. 

In case of Multi Cargo Operations that are not supported by Ocean Way Express, we optionally offer SMM Ocean Way Back Office Support.

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