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24hr Ship Emergency Response Service
24hr Ship Emergency Response Service

One of the most Expensive Accidents categories is Navigational (ie: collision, grounding, etc.). No matter how well a ship is designed, constructed, operated and maintained, accidents still happen. No transportation system is totally safe. Therefore, as in other industries, planning for emergency response is a necessity.
SMM Emergency Response Service aims to cover your company and vessels, in times of crisis, when ship's crew and management quickly need precise technical information.
Why You Should Enroll Your Vessels?
To minimize the consequences of casualty at sea, a thorough assessment of vessel's Damaged Stability and Residual Strength is essential.
Salvage Plan Objectives
The Salvage Plan details work and resources required for restoring the water-tight envelope, repairing damage, de-watering and re-floating the ship.
A Salvage Plan Should Include: Information compiled from the internal and underwater surveys, Engineering calculations of residual strength and hydrographic data ground reaction, freeing force, damage stability, Anti-pollution efforts, Results, recommendations and actions from the Safety Survey,Restoring water-tight envelope, Damage repair, De-watering by pumping, compressed air and gravity methods, Reducing ground reaction, Pulling system riggingTowing analysis.
Ship Salvage Engineering Software HECSALV© (by Herbert Engineering Corp. (USA)). The role of a superior salvage response software is to provide the Salvage Engineer the resources for efficient evaluation, effective solution planning and clear communication / documentation for ship collision / grounding or other emergency situations. We use "HECSALV© Salvage Response Software» being the most Advanced and Internationally recognized Salvage Engineering tool, used by US Coast Guard, major Classification Societies and Oil Companies.
Drills and Real Incidents: We prepare for Each One of Your Vessels Realistic Drill-Scenarios, based on the current loading condition. This makes the drills interesting and therefore successful.
During Service Period: We built Excellent Communication Channels With Your Company, for effective exchange of all vital information, with the aim of finding the best corrective action/response.

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Ship specific approvals since 1986 granted by
Classification Societies